WWE Review: NXT July 28, 2017

  • Velveteen Dream vs. Hoho Lun
The rebuild of Patrick Clark into the Velveteen Dream is in full force now. Hoho Lun was used as nothing more than jobber in this quick match. Dream’s gimmick is a little out there, but so was former NXT Superstar and fan favorite Prince Pretty Tyler Breeze as well as current fan favorite No Way Jose. Dream has the athleticism but will he win the crowd over? Only time will tell.  
  • NXT GM William Regal announces that the NXT Tag Team Champions, The Authors of Pain, will defend their titles against Heavy Machinery in two weeks at Full Sail. Possibly setting up a preview for a bigger match to come at NXT Takeover: Brooklyn III.
  • Hideo Itami vs. Oney Lorcan
A rematch from three weeks ago when the much edgier Itami drilled Lorcan with three GTS’s before finally covering him for the three count. Oney, formerly known as Biff Busick from the indy circuit, is known as a strong striker and as soon as the match started he exploded out of his corner leveling Hideo with several stiff strikes and drawing blood. The ref made sure Hideo got some attention from the ringside medic before the match would continue, but the medic called off the match. Work or not it did appear that Lorcan broke Itami’s nose. After a brief promo break, Itami came back out demanding the match restart & Lorcan happily agreed. Itami injuries Lorcan’s knee and lands another GTS to once again be victorious.  
  • Roderick Strong vs. Bobby Roode promo for next week’s NXT Championship match. Really terrific story telling happening with these two in such a short period of time. Next week’s Title Match should be an excellent showcase for both superstars.
  • Hideo calls out Kassius Ohno after his match with Lorcan. Ohno steps in the ring and before we can hear or see anything go down between these two, Nikki Cross appears on the apron while fellow SAnitY members Alexander Wolfe and Killian Dain ambush Ohno and Itami in the ring. Wolfe delivers an eerie message not to the NXT about SAintY’s leader Eric Young future plans against the NXT Locker Room. His plans start with Nikki Cross and her mission to end Asuka’s reign as NXT Women’s Champion.
  • NXT Women’s Championship Match: Asuka (C) vs. Nikki Cross
NXT continues to pave the way in Women’s Wrestling, as this was the first NXT Women’s Championship Last Woman Standing Match. Both women had several spots where they showcased their ability to use chairs and other weapons to try and keep the other on the mat for the ten count. Nikki continues to be a force that Asuka can’t just walk all over like the other NXT Women she’s faced. We were given a NXT Takeover quality match between these two fierce rivals, with an incredible table spot off a ladder for the finish. Asuka once again retains but Nikki Cross made her look as close to “beatable” as she’s looked since she debuted. Asuka raises her title high on the entrance ramp while Nikki Cross gets medical attention on the floor, but she never takes her eyes off Asuka and she keeps that crazy smile on her face until the show ends.