Winds of Plague: Resistance review

\"Resistance\"LA based metal unit Winds Of Plague have just released their brand new album, Resistance, and we’ve been sent a copy to check out. Kicking off with intro track Open The Gates Of Hell we’re led slowly into things, a hauntingly beautiful opening sequence leading the way whilst at the same time suggesting that what is to follow is not going to be as calm or serene as this first section. Building up throughout through the use of synth and string effects, the track may well simply lead us into things, yet as the devastatingly heavy guitar work takes over, everything suddenly becomes very clear. Hard hitting guitar work combines with roaring vocals to form a sound that’s both in your face, full on, and the sort of thing that’s going to separate the men from the boys. The same can be said for Say Hello To The Undertaker, following on perfectly and continuing to keep things heavy, rolling, and simply terrifying in places. There’s no holding Winds Of Plague back once they get going, and as the track progresses the true power of the band is revealed, from chunky guitar work through to guttural vocals, rolling drums, bass heavy rhythms and serene piano lines – this is heavy, but more over, it’s oh so good. Continuing on into Sewer Mouth the theme of insane heaviness continues, once again launching us straight into a pit of all out distortion, packed with heavy guitar work and those awesome vocal lines. Despite the full on and heavy approach there remains a serious sense of melodic ability, largely in part to the synth lines which back everything up, leading to the track becoming something more, something that transcends the boundaries of raw power and instead becomes something deeper, more powerful, and more accessible to those who hear it. Left For Dead continues this approach perfectly, once again using the synth lines courtesy of Alana Potocnik to fully hammer the track home and craft something that you’ll return to time and time again. Devastatingly heavy at times yet packed with intricate guitar lines, rolling drums, and a sense that there’s more to this than meets the eye, this track stands out as a serious high point, and one not to miss. Continuing on through One Foot In The Grave (love the line ‘BUT I WON’T FUCKING DIE’….straight up live crowd joining in fodder!), Time To Recap, United Through Hatred and Good Ol’ Fashion Bloodbath there’s no relenting, with each track continuing to bombard the listener and continuing that serious sense of heaviness. In my humble opinion though, it’s when we reach No Man Is My Master that a further high point is reached, and we’re shown the full live force of the band. The sound here seems to capture the essence of their live show, revealing to the listener what they can expect to get if they get out to a show, and once again reminding them that this is some seriously distorted stuff, and is not to be underestimated. Closing with Snake Eyes the album is brought full circle, closing with one final hammering melee of guitar work, roaring vocal lines, hammering drums and that awesome synth tone. It’s fitting that the closing moments equal the power found throughout the record, and as the album reaches its final moments, we’re left with no doubt in our mind that this hasn’t just been an album, it’s been one hell of an experience. I went into this Resistance from Winds Of Plague having never come across the band before, yet sitting here now having listened to the album through a few times, I think I’ve been converted to a massive fan of them – I mean their sound is straight up awesome. Packed with power, devastatingly heavy throughout, yet at times, serenely beautiful and progressive, this is an album that doesn’t follow the rules, doesn’t stick to convention, and doesn’t settle for simply making do – this is an album that you’re going to return to time and time again, safe in the knowledge that Winds Of Plague are flying the flag of PROPER metal. Rating: 10/10 -Dave Nicholls Videos: