by Reggie Edwards
Indiana-based husband-wife rock outfit theSurrending are back with their latest offering,
Many Waters.
This is a change of pace for theSurrendering, whose previous release,
Made For You, had a very strong rock-infused foundation.
Many Waters takes a drastic turn, bringing more of a peaceful approach.
Many Waters features a very calm acoustic feel with a folk-rock feel with a praise and worship sense to it. Rebecca Congleton’s voice will give you soothe you and chills on many parts while Joe Congleton’s guitar playing and the duo’s songwriting has really blossomed over the last few years.
There’s some cool concepts on this record, much like the opening song, “Ghosts Behind Me,” which also features some sweet harmonica rock.
Overall this may be some of theSurrendering’s best work so far. They’ve got so many impressive things going on here, it makes you want to catch the next live show.
Rating: 9/10