Sister Sin- Now and Forever

\"\" by Reggie Edwards Fans of old school metal, foreign metal, or female-fronted metal bands will be in luck with Sister Sin’s latest record, Now and Forever. Those who are fans of all three will really be in luck, as Sister Sin fits all of these categories. The Swedish rockers are back with Now and Forever, a record that is a must-have. Virtually everything about this record is impressive from beginning to end. Every song, be it “End of the Line,” “Hearts of Cold” or even the final track, “Morning After,” which is actually a cover tune the band has made their own. Listening to this record I can’t but notice the progression and improvement Sister Sin have developed since their last few records, which were also very impressive. With the essence of Motorhead, Motley Crue and other 80’s metal influences resounding from the speakers blaring Now and Forever, this is Sister Sin at their best and they will hit you with a power punch from the past. Rating: 9/10 Guitarist  Jimmy Hiltula sat down with us to talk about the upcoming record as well as their 2013 tour with legendary female rocker Doro. Listen to the full interview here: Sister Sin guitarist Jimmy Hitula talks about Now and Forever: Sister Sin with Jimmy Hitula \"\"