Review: Rob Zombie- 31

Rob Zombie has had a big year so far. Not only has he released his new album Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser but he has also released his newest film 31 on September 1st. Most people expect nothing but extremely vulgar and stomach turning gore from his films, which is exactly what you get from 31 and it is pretty damn awesome.
31 is centered around 5 carnies who find themselves stuck in a game called 31 on Halloween night in 1976 where they are hunted by several different killers that are released into the game throughout the night and they must kill to survive.
Even though this plotline has been extremely played out over the last few years, Zombie found a way to put it into a different perspective while having a lot of fun with the concept.
With all of that being said, 31 is everything you want to see from a Rob Zombie movie and more. There is no shortage of blood and all around gore in this movie but there are also some comedic undertones that really make you like the characters that much more, even if they are the “bad guys.”
You can also expect the usual over the top sex jokes and a Spanish speaking midget dressed as Hitler as a clown (yes you read that right) but I’m not going to give too much away.
I was very impressed to see that Zombie went outside of his usual casting on this one, but there were some familiar faces from The Lords of Salem and The Devil’s Rejects. The only thing I can really complain about is that some of the dialogue seemed forced and it was a little bit slow at times.