Review: The Last Reign- Endangered Pieces
With a release date right around the corner, if you want some solid heavy metal with a twist, you should check out Endangered Pieces– the latest release from The Last Reign
Endangered Pieces features original tracks from the band and classic covers in the super heavy setting that they are known for, so there’s literally something for everyone.
Some fans may be on the fence with this album as it feels like the unclean vocals aren’t completely understandable.
However, two quick favorite tracks should be \”Good 4 U\’ and \”Separate Ways.” The first of which is the best mix of lyrics and killer guitar riffs with a metalcore beat while “Separate Ways” displays a rock classic in a way that is completely awesome in a death metal sense.
Endangered Pieces Is set to release Feburary 10 and is definitely worth a listen at least for the covers
Rating: 5/10
-Skip “Rampage” Raddison