by Reggie Edwards
Canadian power-thrashers Edge of Attack are slated to release their self-titled debut record February 19. I sat down with this one out of curiosity- I just had a good feeling about it- I was right.
Imagine thrash metal meets dark metal meets power metal and you have Edge of Attack- yes, that’s a different combination- but it works.
Edge of Attack, a female-fronted metal outfit, have the symphonic elements you’d find in Euro metal and a lot of dark metal but they also feature the fast thrash sound that’s become a favorite here in the States.
From the beginning the vocals are solid, the guitar and drum-work are impressive, and the album as a whole is a winner.
Edge of Attack flows from start to end and finishes before you even realize it’s over. This is one of those records that just flows really well.
It’s hard to find metal nowadays that’s actually good. It’s like anyone who can play fast and heavy is considered metal- but what is lost anymore is the quality and talent. Either the songwriting is there and the instrumental talent is lacking or vice versa. This isn’t the case here- Edge of Attack are talented metal musicians and will be a band to watch in 2013.
Rating: 8/10