Review: Doll Skin – In Your Face Again

  \"images\" Phoenix, AZ’s upstart female rock four-piece Doll Skin, made up of Lead Singer Sydney Dolezal,   Guitar player Alex Snowden, bassist Nicole Rich, (all of which are 17 years old) & drummer Meghan Herring tipping the scales at 19, have released their debut LP, In Your Face Again which is an extended version of their previously released EP In Your Face with two new and or improved additional tracks. On In Your Face Again, Doll Skin has set out to prove that although they may be young they are far from youngsters in the talent department and that’s what really counts….right? The saga of Doll Skin really took shape when they entered a battle of the bands that was being judged by none other than longtime Megadeth member and co-founder David Ellefson. Knowing the difference between shit and shinola, Ellefson quickly struck a deal to sign Doll Skin to his own personal label, EMP Label Group.   In Your Face Again is a rock album (make no bones about that) that shines a spotlight on Sydney Dolezal’s charging vocals and Alex Snowden’s slick & polished guitar licks. When layered above the cohesive and well balanced rhythm section of Nicole Rich and Meghan Herring each song takes shape and acquires a life of its own.   Favorite Track: Let’s Be Honest.  Doll Skin shows all of their layers on this song. HOME RUN!   Bottom Line: The arrow definitely points up for Doll Skin and I fully expect it to be a household name one day soon!