The first time that I’d heard of the band
Creeper they were on a “2017’s Bands You Need to Hear” list from NME. Being the easily influenced fool that I am, I was off to Spotify to give ‘em a spin. At that point the only track that was available was
Hiding With the Boys; which was damn catchy. Upon the release of their debut L.P.,
Eternity, in Your Arms I was obviously excited to hear what the record had to offer.
, Eternity, in Your Arms
is a diverse collection of eleven songs that take on their own personality. Musically and vocally, Creeper wears their influences (A.F.I., Alkaline Trio, Against Me & even Meatloaf) on their sleeves which contrary to popular opinion, isn’t a bad thing. Vocalist Will Gould and guitar player Ian Miles do the lion’s share of Creepers writing and arranging which has made for well written and cohesive record.
From the beginning of Eternity, in Your Arms Creeper uses the beautiful to aggressive & brash to beautiful method in their song layout. That is until track #8 (Crickets) which brings keyboard player and back up vocalist Hannah Greenwood out of the shadows and into the spotlight with a soft toned acoustic gem.
With Eternity, In Your Arms, Creeper seems to have gathered their chips and gone all in by following their own rules. But what would you expect from a couple of old hardcore kids. Keep your eyes and ears open because this is only the beginning for Creeper.