Review: Cavo- Bridges Deluxe Edition

When it was time to record their new album, Bridges, the guys in Cavo had just about given up on the recording industry. They were getting s\’ick of the same old thing and the way their label was treating them so they said \”enough and set about recording the material they wanted and felt deep down inside.
The resulting album wound up being a real tour de force and the guys in the band- Casey Walker vocals, Chris Hobbs guitar, Brian Smith bass and Andy Herrin on drums- couldn’t be happier with it, which marks the first time in a long time that they felt this excited about an album and it’s easy to see why.
Opener “Nights” has a sort of Imagine Dragons kind of vibe to it where “Just like We Want It” has a reggae sound to it and the band lets their freak flag fly. “Stay” has a video for it along with a hugely singable chorus and is one of the albums true standout tracks. Whereas “She Don’t Care” is driven by the killer feeling of the bass guitar.
“On Your Own” is a slow gut wrenching ballad that tugs at your heart strings and “Get Away” has a massive sing along chorus that will win over the harshest critics. Whereas “Fight This War” is a feel good ballad that just flows from this all too underrated band while “Weather Rolls” has a dark and brooding beginning that gives way to a fantastic mid-tempo rocker.
“Traitor” has an utterly fantastic electronica solo in it to melt your brain while at the same time “Cynical” has another gargantuan chorus that you can’t help but, tap your foot to. When you’re at your darkest and can’t find your way out, you live your life “Straight to the Bottom,” meanwhile “Take Me Home” has an almost country feeling to it. Believe it or not it wasn’t bad.
The next three songs are new ones so here we go. “Wreck Me” is another one with an absolutely gigantic chorus that you just can’t help but, sing to. “Hush” has an almost kind of Police feeling to it while this take on “Champagne” can’t hold a candle to the simply breath taking original, but it’s alright for what it is.
Here’s the bottom line- this is really a retelling of the original 2016 release with 3 new songs, but it is a good album.
Rating: 8 out of 10
-Eric Hunker