Review: Camp WWE

For years, many diehard WWE fans have longed for the edgy content of the Attitude Era to return and they finally have what they’ve been asking for…in the form of a cartoon of all things. That’s right- Camp WWE– the most recent new series on the WWE Network, created by Seth Green is exactly what the older WWE fans have been looking for. The series focuses on younger versions of WWE Superstars- past and present- attending a summer camp run by Vince McMahon, Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and Ric Flair. WWE has warned fans that it’s an adult animated series and that’s exactly what it is, and it couldn’t have been written any more perfectly. The series takes a lot of the WWE stereotypes a lot of fans know and love and completely run with them. Whether it’s Vince McMahon being completely obsessed with John Cena, Triple H’s over-emphasizing the ends of his sentences or Ric Flair’s playboy persona, the writing on the show is a home run. With just a few shows under its belt, Camp WWE could very well be the best show to hit the Network since The Edge and Christian Show that Totally Reeks of Awesomeness, which embraced a lot of the long-lost WWE memories and catered to the diehard fans as well. Seth Green is one of the most dedicated WWE fans in the celebrity world and it shows through on many levels. It’s obvious this show was written by a fan for the fans. With a slam dunk of a debut episode, Camp WWE has some serious potential. Rating: 10/10 -Reggie Edwards