Review: Ammunition- S/T

Age Sten Nilsen who is famous for his work in Wig Wam and Erik Martensson of W.E.T. & Eclipse fame have joined forces in a new band called Ammunition. The self-titled new album is the second release for this new outing. It follows their Shanghaied album which was released two years ago. With these two titans of modern day AOR this album has some pretty high expectations about it. Those expectations are more than met with this utterly fantastic album. The album wastes no time getting going with “Time”. The choruses of it, and songs such as “Wrecking Crew” and “Klondike” evokes found memories of Wig Wam at their very best. The drumbeat and cadence of “Freedom Finder” and “Bad Bones” just begs for a sing along. “Virtual Reality Boy” and “Gung Ho (I Told You So)” are showcasing big sing along choruses that bears repeating. While “Eye For An Eye” is built around a massive chorus and rolling drum beats. “Tear Your City Down” serves as a warning of what they are going to do. Just when you thought it was over they go and feature one of the best guitar riffs ever written in “Caveman” and “Miss Summertime” sounds as if it was lifted right from the W.E.T. or Eclipse song playbook. Here’s the bottom line- If you ever liked either of the two bands involved in this project it should be a no brainer, so give it a listen. You won’t be sorry one little bit. 9 out of 10. -Eric Hunker