Psychostick and One Eyed Doll deliver Blood, Guts and Sprinkles
Humorcore comedy metal kings Psychostick are finishing their tour cycle in support of their latest record, Space Vampires vs. Zombie Dinosaurs in 3D and their most recent trek, The Blood, Guts and Sprinkles Tour, shows them hitting the road with theatrical metal duo One Eyed Doll as well as Wild Throne.
Wild Throne, out of Washington state, may be a relatively unknown but their borderline prog metal approach is bound to create some new fans and their stage presence will give you the impression they\’re a headline-status band.
Get ready for Wild Throne because their one of the most underrated touring bands you\’ll ever see.
One Eyed Doll are the perfect touring partners for Psychostick. Their theatrics and between-song-banter are so off-the-wall it\’s humorous. Frontwoman Kimberly Freeman\’s high-pitched sweetheart of a voice she stages when she talks to introduce a song is hard to resist as she explodes into a monstrous demonic roar that will make a believer out of you.
Drummer Junior is a beast on the kit and it\’s amazing there are only two members in the band.
To add to the experience for the fans, Freeman spends most of the set in the crowd, getting up close and personal with them, throwing severed hands and feet into the crowd, spraying fans with water and using numerous props and hats for each song.
If you aren\’t familiar with One Eyed Doll, go see them on this tour- or any tour- and you\’ll become not just a fan but a disciple.
Psychostick take the stage last and for good reason. Their following is immense and dedicated and when they hit the stage its like an explosion from which you can\’t recover.
For this tour they\’ve switched up the setlist. A few songs you almost expect to be in are no longer there- “Welcome to the Show” and “Hate Times Eight” to be exact- but they make up with it by placing a few new ones in to appease the Psychostick faithful.
“Obey the Beard” is the opener this time around and they also throw in a track- “Quack Kills-” from the upcoming album, which gets an outstanding reaction from the crowd and gives a good idea what we can expect from the forthcoming new album.
Most of the Psychostick live show staples are present on this tour- “Beer,” “I Can Only Count to Four” and others and they even threw in “My Clingy Girlfriend,” which doesn\’t get a lot of live play but thankfully sees it this time around.
To end the show and send the fans home happy Psychostick end with “Jagermeister Love Song” and proceed to sign autographs and take pictures with anyone who wants one.
This tour is the epitome of the perfect way to end the support of the last record and hopefully they bring One Eyed Doll out with them again soon because it\’s a perfect match.
-Reggie Edwards