Psychostick continue tour of world dominance in Pittsburgh

Comedy metal act Psychostick harken back to the glory days of S.O.D. (Stormtroopers of Death) when metal was still heavy as fuck, but didn’t take itself quite so seriously.
Taking their cues from bands like GWAR, Green Jelly, Austrian Death Machine, Powerglove and Tenacious D, they fondly refer (Or reefer if you prefer) to their style of music as Humorcore.
Known for anthems like “Because Boobs,” “Beer!” and “Obey the Beard,” the band is currently out on the road supporting their newest album IV: Revenge of The Vengeance on the Evil Dumb Tour.
When the tour stopped at Mr. Smalls in Pittsburgh local artists The Scarlet Son and The Filthy Lowdown opened the show.
The Scarlet Son’s modern rock may have been a million miles away musically from Psychostick, but it was still well received by the crowd. As was The Filthy Lowdown’s more eclectic, but equally impressive set, which ran the gamut of musical styles.
From there, Haggard Wulf, which is just two people, treated the crowd to a rollicking set of their own unique blend of rockabilly, punk and blues and tourmates Wolfborne tore shit up with a kick ass set of strong melodic hard rock that left the crowd more rabid than ever for Psychostick.
Psychostick hit the stage hard, barreling full steam ahead into “Bruce Campbell,” their Reading Rainbow cover “ABCDeath” and “Doom Song,” but one of the real highlights of their jovial, yet hardcore set included lead singer Rob Kersey running around the stage with a giant taco for the song “Do You Want A Taco,” during the band’s hysterical non medley “This Is Not A Song, It’s A Sandwich!”
Other highlights included their show stopping cover of the Kenny Loggins hit “Danger Zone” and their brutal parody of Heart’s “Magic Man” called “Mega Man,” as well as “The Sombrero Song.” Where one member of the audience dons a sombrero and the rest of the crowd tries to take it from him in an out of control act of primal debauchery that does not end well for the sombrero.
Some of the best and biggest laughs came during the band’s tribute to the word Fuck, which included their song “NSFW/Numbers (I Can Only Count to Fuck),” alongside snippets of classical artists like Beethoven & Bach and a cover of Drowning Pool’s “Bodies.” All sung entirely using only the word Fuck.
“Because Boobs” had many of the ladies proudly displaying their, much to the delight of the band and the male audience members, but it goes without saying that “Beer,” which garnered the biggest response and mosh pit of the night, was the song everyone came to hear.
As “Obey the Beard” brought the show to a close, you could see the smiles on everyone’s faces as the milled about, hanging out with the band, drinking, having pictures taken and all manner of things signed. That even included a few of those proudly displayed boobs we mentioned earlier.
Just like always, another killer show from one of the best and most underrated bands on the planet! If you haven’t seen them yet, you simply must catch one of metal’s best kept secrets live.
-Eric Hunker
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