Mindless Self Indulgence: Fuck Machine review

As if Mindless Self Indulgence wasn’t enough of an acid trip already, they’ve released a remix album for their single, “Fuck Machine,” that will give anyone who listens to it a trip you won’t soon forget. Featuring 11 revamps of the single, MSI expand upon what they accomplished with How I Learned to Stop Giving a Shit and Love Mindless Self Indulgence and take things in a completely different direction from everything you find normal and acceptable. MSI throw virtually everything at you with Fuck Machine and it’s beautiful in every aspect. The titles of the remixes are priceless too and classic MSI: Scandinavian Cock mix, Mustard Pimp mix, Flock of Jimmy’s mix, Blush Response mix and others. There’s the KMFDM remix that opens up with a slow piano intro and explodes into the electronic techno trippiness that is Mindless Self Indulgence and Flock of Jimmy’s mix is a slow, echoing remix that’s relaxing and haunting at the same time with an almost-anthem feel to it. They throw in a remix of “Jack You Up” (The Black Lipstick mix) that opens with an almost tribal techno feel to it and, much like the rest of the remix album, makes you want to go to a rave immediately. They throw in the album version of “Fuck Machine” and wrap up the album with an acapella version that’s the perfect way to end the album- not enough people do acapella versions- it’s very cool, plus it gives you a chance to see just how out-of-this-world Jimmy Urine’s lyrics really are- absolutely epic. Rating: 8/10 -Reggie Edwards