Macho Man: The Randy Savage DVD review

2014 has seen some of the most impressive DVD releases from WWE, the latest of which chronicles the life and career of Randy “Macho Man” Savage. Savage is the reason 99% of today’s professional wrestlers got into the business in the first place so the release of a Savage DVD has been anticipated for some time now and the final product is something all wrestling fans will appreciate. The Randy Savage Story is just that- the story of Macho Man himself as told by those closest to the late legend. The story starts during Savage’s early life, playing baseball before embarking in a career with professional wrestling. The documentary portion is loaded with interviews featuring some of Savage’s closest friends, family and colleagues- his brother Lanny Poffo, his mother, some of his former baseball teammates, Diamond Dallas Page, Hulk Hogan, Lex Luger, Ricky Steamboat, “Mean” Gene Okerlund and numerous others. His move to WWF/E, origin of his trademark \”Oooooooh Yeeeeaaaahhhh\” catchphrase, marriage and divorce to Miss Elizabeth, match with Ricky Steamboat at Wrestlemania, move to color commentary, his desire to wrestle another match but Vince McMahon wanting him to stay on commentary, work as a WWF Ambassador, his move to WCW, work with Slim Jim, career resurgence, remarriage and tragic, devastating death are all among the material of the 3-disc set. The conflicts between Savage and WWE have been well documented and it’s great to see such a touching, moving and honorable and emotional DVD to pay tribute to the man known as “Macho Man.” You can’t help but shed a tear or two during the documentary and you’ll know exactly why Savage is unarguably one of the most influential characters and men in all of professional wrestling. Rating: 9/10 -Reggie Edwards