Live: Heart and Cheap Trick in Indianapolis

As a celebration of the induction of three legends to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Klipsch Music Center welcomed the Rock and Roll Three for All last Sunday. With a lineup including Cheap Trick, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, and Heart, it’s no surprise that the venue was nearly full. While a large portion of the audience experienced the music when it first became popular, there was a fair share of younger faces as well. It can be hard to imagine many of today’s artists still rocking out into their late fifties, but to say “they’ve still got it” about the three acts on this tour is an understatement. They aren’t just classic rockers who manage to still do their thing—they’re performers who will rock your face off (and while wearing spandex).
It seemed as though the batting order for the night was simply determined by how many smash-hits each artist had, so Cheap Trick was up first. Their set contrasted the other acts because it was so heavy on instrumentals, but it’s not as though it was lacking in any way. Blazing with confidence and bad attitudes, the sixty year olds held nothing back as they absolutely rocked the arena. They made a very interesting choice of placing “I Want You to Want Me” in the middle of their set. While they certainly have other hits, it seemed as though it would have been more appropriate to end with. Regardless, their performance left no one disappointed.
To even be in the presence of Joan Jett is almost an experience in itself. The woman is a living, breathing middle finger to the patriarchy, and she’s still killing the game. I cannot say I’ve ever seen a fifty seven year old woman in a sparkly, purple spandex jumpsuit, and I think it’s safe to say I won’t see one again for a while.
Opening with “Bad Reputation” was genius. Her new songs came off as a little commercial, but she alternated it with her more edgy material, punching up the set. Jett’s vocals are absolutely incredible, virtually untouched by time. Her voice alone should have put her in the Hall of Fame long ago, regardless of her songwriting and style. If she smokes three packs a day, it’s clearly paying off.
If you were wondering if the Wilson sisters lost anything over the years, I can tell you they haven’t. They’re talented, iconic, and hot. Those ladies will put women ten years their juniors to shame. The band has an air of sophistication—they know they’re badass, and they’re here to prove it. Ann’s vocals are just as powerful as when she was in her twenties. Her voice is astounding—not classically pretty, but rather kickass.
The set was perfectly peppered with hits, and it seemed as though everyone heard their favorites. The set even featured a few Led Zeppelin covers during the encore. There’s no other way to spin it: the group knows how to work a crowd, and take great pleasure in doing so.
The Three for All Tour was only on its third stop when it hit Noblesville, and it continues well into September of this year. You have plenty of time to see it, and we highly recommend that you do. The tour is an ingenious combination of rock legends, and you’d be a fool not to catch them in action.
[lg_slideshow folder=\”Heart and Cheap Trick in Indianapolis/Cheap Trick/\”][lg_slideshow folder=\”Heart and Cheap Trick in Indianapolis/Heart/\”]