This was the first time I’ve seen the NOLA legends
Goatwhore live and everything that id ever heard of their performance was spot on. Despite the temperature being just a few clicks above 0’ coupled with a less than stellar showing from the Ft. Wayne metal community didn’t prohibit them from taking any prisoners that night.
Ben Falgoust is far and away one of the best front men in metal. Put bodies in front of him, and he’ll have them eating out of his hand in no time at all. He’s carries an authoritative yet approachable stage presence and his sharp and serrated howl can make the hair on your neck stand up. Guitar player Sammy Duet’s stage presence was focused on the business of ripping shit up, but like Falgouth, he was unscathed by the sparse size of the crowd. Together, Falgouth & Duet light a fire under a crowd and make it virtually impossible to NOT pay attention to them and only them
Goatwhore has the ability to sound like two or three different bands, depending on whether they’re at full tilt or dropping into 3
rd gear. I’ll admit that the blistering numbers from their set were my favorite, it’s that venomous thrash that grabs my soul and never loosens the grip and for that I thank you!