Evanescence is hitting the road this fall bringing along Veridia for a totally female fronted limited date tour. Luckily I got the chance to catch it at The Fillmore in Silver Springs, MD.
The opener Veridia definitely took the people who had never heard of them before by surprise. Vocalist Deena Jakoub owned the crowd for the entirety of the set with her contagious energy and intense vocals. Without a doubt this band couldn\’t have been a more perfect fit for this tour in my opinion.
When Evanescence took the stage there was barely room to move in the place. Even if you\’re not the biggest Evanescence fan in the world, as soon as Amy Lee began to sing I can guarantee every person in that place had goose bumps. This was my first time seeing them live and it was insane to hear songs I grew up listening to or that were always on the radio being sung note for note live. The band is on top of their game for this one for sure.
Overall I\’m glad I had the opportunity to go. It was a very memorable night and I\’m still amazed at the vocal talents of Amy Lee. Some songs you hear on the radio and you think to yourself “there is no way that sounds that good live” but with Evanescence every single song sounded better. Plus being introduced to Veridia was a pleasant surprise. If you have a chance to catch this tour, do it. You won\’t in any way be disappointed.