Kittie launch crowdfunding campaign for documentary and book

Canadian metal veterans KITTIE have announced a crowd funding campaign for a career spanning documentary DVD featuring all past and present band members. In addition, the band plans to include a yet-to-be-titled official biography and have confirmed author Mark Eglinton to write the memoir. Eglington is best known for his co-authored book, Official Truth, 101 Proof: The Inside Story of Pantera, which was released last year. KITTIE is also in talks with their label, eOne Music about releasing a re-mixed, re-mastered KITTIE box set of their back catalog.

Co Founding member and vocalist Morgan Lander comments:

\”For almost 20 years we have had the privilege of making music and performing around the world for some of the most amazing, dedicated people we have ever come to know. All in all its a very exciting time for the band and we could not be happier about the chance to do this for YOU!\”

The last time most have heard from KITTIE was when the band released I\’ve Failed You in 2011. The album was received well and the band toured extensively surrounding its release, accolades include, \”\’I\’ve Failed You\’ is completely written and unequivocally hard as nails,\” says Outburn more directly states, \”\’I\’ve Failed You\’ is their best album to date.\”

The band also released two much talked about music videos. An in your face performance version of \”Empires (Part 2)\” and a Zombie filled horror homage video for the song \”We Are The Lamb.\”