With the continued popularity of thrash metal acts such as Slayer, Overkill, Testament and Municipal Waste, there is a continued push for bands to come up with something new, something to push the boundaries of thrash and to take it back to the glory days of the 1980’s. Stepping forward to take on this challenge is Los Angeles based
Fueled By Fire, a band who themselves state that they have
“…fine tuned their sound into an explosive act in the vein of ‘80s speed demons Slayer, Overkill, Testament and more”.
Primed with their latest offering,
Trapped In Perdition,
Fueled By Fire are already a force to be reckoned with, having shared the stage with the likes of Exodus, Posessed, Exumer, Municipal Waste, Kreator, Morbid Angel and Nile, and with tours across the US and Europe already under their belt. Recorded in Florida at Mana Recording Studios with Erik Rutan of Hate Eternal, and with artwork by artist Axel Hermann (who has previously done artwork for Morgoth, Asphyx and Iced Earth amongst others),
Trapped In Perdition presents 11 tracks of
Fueled By Fire’s own take on thrash, potentially presenting us with THAT act that will finally reignite the world of thrash metal.
The Slayer-esque opening moments of
Catastrophe certainly seems to do as intended, kicking off the album in blistering style without so much as a moment’s notice. Packed with fast paced riffs, roaring vocal lines and a guitar solo that’s sure to leave all the wannabe guitarists whimpering into their BC Rich’s, this is serious thrash done seriously well. Demonstrating the sheer level of power within the band through tracks like
Suffering Entities and
Forsake Deity, there’s no sign of the band relenting as track after track powers out of the speakers packed with that classic thrash metal approach.
Another serious high point is achieved in the form of
Defaced Mortality, slowing down the pace for a moment to allow the chunky guitar lines to hit home fully, showcasing the power and drive from within the band whilst further developing the sound through the intricate lead lines which lead the track into beginning fully. Soon resuming the break neck speed that started things off, it’s safe to say that there’s a new thrash unit on the block, and
Fueled By Fire are about to take on the heavy weights. You only need listen to further tracks such as the distortion laden
Symbolic Slaying, the chunky
Obliteration and the dramatic ambience of
Abeyant Future to realise how seriously
Fueled By Fire take their craft, not changing the world of thrash, just doing it very, very well.
With thrash metal being one of the most legendary forms of metal, and one that attracts a solid sense of loyalty, it’s always going to be tricky for new bands to break in and have a full impact. With
Fueled By Fire there’s no fear of this, as quite simply, they’re here, ready, and WILL be a band we’re all getting out to see live in years to come – this is a record you can’t afford to miss.
Rating: 10/10
-Dave Nicholls