Everytime I Die alive and well in Indianapolis

Buffalo, New York’s own Every Time I Die made it to Indianapolis recently for the last leg of the Ex Lives tour. To say the least it was just the show everyone was hoping for. From the supporting act, Code Orange Kids, opening song to the final moments of Werewolf from Every Time I Die, the show was an unstoppable force.  Ferocity was around every corner at this sold out show. Code Orange Kids took the stage for a short showing that set the crowd ablaze. Pits opened up early and often throughout their set. They were a classic-sounding post-hardcore band with three of the four members providing unique vocals throughout. Shortly after COK set was through, letlive exploded on to the stage with pure fury and aggression; a fury and aggression that did not relent through the entirety of the set.  The crowd went wild as the lead singer, Jason Aalon Butler, jumped off of half stacks and threw mic stands. While his energy was impressive the fact that he was in a cast and sling throughout is all the more bewildering. letlive was tonal assault on the senses. As letlive died down, the anticipation from the packed room became unbearable as the band everyone was waiting for took the stage. Every Time I Die showed up and took the crowd to a whole new level. The pit became huge as they went through all of the hits; everything from “Romeo A Go Go”  and “Ebolarama” to “Typical Miracle”  and “The New Black.” All and all this was an all-around great show that proved to this journalist that post-hardcore is alive and well and the metal community still appreciates it. If you haven’t caught this tour yet, find a show and go before they go to ground to record the next album. -Hans Jaeger