Demon Hunter: Extremist review

One of the biggest powerhouses in Christian metal are back. Demon Hunter recently made their triumphant return with their biggest war cry yet in Extremist, a record that shows a different side of the band but which fans will find to be one of their strongest.
Typically one of the heaviest bands in all of metal- not just Christian metal- Demon Hunter have garnered a reputation as one of the most dynamic and bludgeoning bands today.
Their faith has always shown clear in their message and with every album they release their message and faith shines stronger and more serious.
Extremist is no exception as their Christian faith blazes brighter than ever and a battle anthem if there ever was one. With Extremist, though, we get a more melodic Demon Hunter than we’ve seen before. The vast majority of the album isn’t exactly softer than anything they’ve done before but a lot of it is more along the radio metal sounds than hardcore metal like we’re used to. It would fit on Sirius Octane better than Liquid Metal- which may put diehard fans off at first but it won’t take long until they come around and are headbanging harder than ever.
Just because this record isn’t as hardcore straight through as previous records doesn’t mean it isn’t heavy either. Songs like “Cross to Bear” and “One Last Song” have the classic Demon Hunter pounding we’ve all grown to love over the years.
Closer “Heart Like a Graveyard” has a more experimental sound- similar to what “Collapsing” was from The World Is a Thorn and has the melodic and softer sounds found on the majority of the album. It’s also the standout track of the record and the catchiest.
This is what it all comes down to, friends- every great and iconic band evolves. You can’t make everyone happy but you can come pretty damn close. All prolific bands have evolved to use a more elaborate and powerful sound- whether that powerful sound is more melodic or not- and Demon Hunter have managed to put out their most powerful, melodic, brutal and beautiful piece of music and all in one album.
Rating: 9/10
-Reggie Edwards