Darkc3ll: Dark Verses review

In a nation where religion and the concept of God are constantly getting shoved aside and in a society where Christianity is not a priority anymore, it’s baffling how a band with an upside down cross on their album cover can spark so much controversy. It’s almost like people hate religion and want nothing to do with God until someone comes along and says it isn’t real or threatens their fair-weather churchgoing.
The band sparking so much controversy lately is Darkc3ll with their latest record, Dark Verses.
I don’t mean to attack all religious people. In fact, there are a lot of respectable people out there who hold their religion and beliefs close to their hearts and do it right- however, Darkc3ll’s Dark Verses is the latest offering in the revival of industrial metal and it’s one hell of a record as well.
Sure, there are a lot of anti-religious lyrics and it’s full of rebellion from the modern day American church. That’s their art, which is beautiful. Let’s get back to the days when rock and metal were all about rebellion and not following rules or being happy.
Metal is supposed to be angry, pissed off and flipping a middle finger to any authorities. Everyone has their power figures they have a problem with, these guys just happen to have issues with religion and aren’t afraid to say what others are.
Dark Verses, if given a chance, will blow you away with how intelligent, creative and artistic these guys are and how deep their lyrics are; there are so many great lines on this record you’re guaranteed to connect with something at some point- even if you’re religious.
With Dark Verses, Darkc3ll solidify themselves as the next big thing in industrial metal and the next Princes of Darkness. This is what dark industrial metal is all about and it’s about damn time someone did something like this.
Rating: 9/10
-Reggie Edwards