Combichrist: We Love You review

Whether it’s industrial, techno or electronic metal you’re into, there’s one band that can always come up in the conversation about the best bands in that genre, and that is Combichrist, whose new record, We Love You, is set for release in March. One of the household names in the world of techno-punk-metal, Combichrist’s fan following is that of a superstar level and they show exactly why on We Love You. Opening track, “We Were Made For Loving You,” resonates like a stadium anthem and you can close your eyes and picture 10,000 people coming together. After that, we’re assaulted with a group of catchy, dance-pit-worthy tracks that will just blow your mind in “Every Day is War,” “Can’t Control,” “Satan’s Propoganda” and others. “Maggots at the Party” is so catchy is ridiculous and Denial is beautifully put together. Then there are the closing tracks in “Retreat Hell Part 1” and Part 2, which are similar and different at the same time. While they have the same flow and sound design as each other, the latter part is more of an acoustic part and shows singer Andy LaPlegua saying exactly what’s on his mind and what we all want to say on a number of subjects. After 10 years, Combichrist show they still have it with We Love You and they’re not going anywhere anytime soon. Whether you’re a longtime dedicated fan or just discovering the band, this is the perfect album for you. Rating: 9/10 -Reggie Edwards