Chiodos singer Craig Owens will be appearing live, on-line via the Stage It platform on Tuesday, February 11 at 8:00 P.M. Eastern / 5:00 P.M. Pacific. Virtual tickets are priced at $5.00, and can be purchased here:
Owens sold-out the January Stage It appearance, and has made plans to appear live on-line monthly. The singer shares, \”There are two ways that really resonate with me, in what I enjoyed about the last Stage It experience. First of all, playing these online shows are all about the fans. Reconnecting with them, on a personal and vulnerable level, is an overwhelmingly enjoyable, rewarding, and adventurous experience each time I get to do something like this. I think it breaks down the walls of the artist / fan relationship in ways that a rock performance with Chiodos could never do.\” He continues, \”The other side comes from a more personal perspective. The truth is, I just love making music. I love being creative. I love performing. I love singing, and I love playing guitar. Any chance I get to be creative, I take it and run. So any time I have a chance to grab a guitar, and sing in front of people that care – I take that chance.\”
Owens has committed to making this a monthly event with the intention he shares of, \”wanting to create an exclusive, intimate setting in which I could communicate with fans. I wanted to try new things in front of audiences. I often learn songs in the safety of my own home, but that changes the moment the spotlight turns on. So, I expect to fully change around my set with every performance. I hope that I can get comfortable enough in expressing some of my creative ideas before they fully take form to present them to my fan-base. I love the idea, and concept behind playing unfinished songs for fans because I think that it creates a sort of inside joke, or unspoken bond between us. Seeing something take shape, watching it grow together into what it will eventually become.. or the fact that they may see something that no-one will ever be able to see, firsthand. The experience of playing an unfinished track for fans is a rewarding experience for both me, and the people who believe in what it is that I do.\”
Owens will continue the incentives widely embraced by the fans with the first Stage It concert wherein the top 75 tippers receive downloads of “No More San Francisco\” and \”Rebel Girl.\” Top 50 tippers receive a personalized Valentines card plus the two downloads. The top 10 tippers receive a personalized Valentine card, a lyric of their choice from Owens\’ catalogue and the two free downloads. The Top Tipper will receive the shirt off his back, the personalized Valentine card, a lyric of their choice and the two downloads.
On March 22, Owens appears at the University of Dayton to make a special appearance at M Fest. Established in honor of former student Mike Littler, a victim of suicide, the campus organization Active Minds works towards supporting those struggling with the clear messaging help is available. Owens offers, \”In the chaos of the new Chiodos record coming April 1, I wasn\’t planning on playing any acoustic shows other than online. When I was approached to appear at this event, considering that this concert was for mental health awareness, I jumped right on board. In my life, I have personally dealt with a lot of heavy issues including suicide, depression, anxiety and others. Happiness isn\’t something that happens overnight, or instantly. I believe that it is something that you have to work for every day. If it were something that were simple, or easy, everyone would do it. The truth is, suicide is preventable and help is always just one phone call away. Asking for support isn\’t easy, but it\’s necessary if you want the rewards of living a happy life. There are also ways of dealing with what is it that you\’re going through to help you cope with your situation. Eating healthy, working out, doing something positive for yourself, are just a few off the top of my head. Music has also helped me, and I think it can help others as well. As I have said in the past.. \’never cry alone. promise me that. no-one around? Put on your headphones, I\’m right here. Always have been, Always will be. You\’re not alone\’.\” He concludes, \”I think that education is the first step in solving most human problems, and this is no different. I\’m excited to do this show, not only to play music and spend time with the people who believe in what it is that I do, but to create awareness, and educate those that are curious, and willing to listen to my experience. I want the people that are out there searching for someone, anyone to connect with to know.. they are not alone. I\’m right here with them.\”