Blue October: Sway review

Blue October are a band who’ve had some great songs and some hits but have never quite made it over the hump to the top of the world…yet. Their songs have always been strong and have always had meaning and their latest record, Sway, is one which fans of the band will find them taking a bit of a shift musically. After listening to Sway a few times through, one can’t help but be reminded of mid-to late 80’s pop rock- that’s not a slam, a bun or a bad thing at all. That music wasn’t bad in the least bit. This is a bit of a change in direction for Blue October, but fans will take to it quickly- it’s just really catchy. It may not be the best work Blue October have put out but Sway will find its way into the hearts of fans and may just create some new fans too. Rating: 7.5/10