Blacklist Union: Back To Momo review

Get ready everyone, Blacklist Union is BACK! Not only are they back, but they’re heavier, grittier and more dangerous than they ever have been.
Back To Momo is the band’s follow-up to Till Death Do Us Part and is the perfect way to come back in 2015. Blacklist Union have always been guitar-heavy and this one is no exception- in fact, they’ve taken it to the next level….the level of holy shit!
Blacklist have always written some of the most emotionally-driven lyrics and music in all of rock and roll and Back To Momo keeps that train a-rollin. You can’t just hear the emotion behind Tony West’s voice- you can feel it.
From the very onset of “Alive N Well Smack in the Middle of Hell,” you can tell this is gonna be exactly what you bargained for but you also have no idea what you’re getting yourself into- the band straight-up rocks your ass off and they don’t take any prisoners on the way there.
They’re here to make a statement- “Don’t fuck with us” and, trust me, you won’t want to. This is some of the strongest rock and roll to be released this year and it will be almost impossible for anyone to top this.
There was a time when rock and roll was dirty, grimy, and ballsy, in-your-face party music. There are a few bands that still encapsulate that state of mind but not many. Blacklist Union is one of them and you’ll thank me for telling you to listen to this album. If you don’t, you only have yourself to blame.
Now go, pick up Back To Momo and brace yourself for one of the biggest rock and roll ass-kickings you’ve ever gotten…but in a good way.
Rating: 10/10
-Reggie Edwards