Avatar: Hail the Apocalypse review

With international metal becoming more and more popular in the United States, Swedish metallers Avatar have made their mark with their latest record, Hail the Apocalypse, recently released via eOne Music and, though it’s far from their debut record, it should be the one that puts them on the map here.
Opening with the title track, “Hail the Apocalypse,” it’s clear from the beginning Avatar mean business and their on a mission to kick you in the ass and put you on alert.
From there we’re taken into “What I Don’t Know,” which starts with a haunting ballad-esque intro and launches into a heavy opus with a carnival undertone.
“Death of Sound” could fit well on any System of a Down record while “Bloody Angel” starts with a taunting and hypnotizing intro that could calm a baby before ripping your head off with a choir-filled epic musical bridge that leads into one of the most aggressive tracks on the record.
In the end, Hail the Apocalypse is insanity-filled, carnage-laced fest of fun for all ages that will please any metalhead and will put Swedish metal on everyone’s radar.
Rating: 9/10
-Reggie Edwards