Music legend Andraé Crouch has died from complications following a heart attack on January 3rd. Andraé passed away surrounded by family on Thursday, January 8, 2015 at approximately 4:30pm PST at Northridge Hospital Medical Center in the Los Angeles area. Andraé was 72 years old.
“Today my twin brother, womb-mate and best friend went home to be with the Lord,” said Pastor Sandra Crouch. “Please keep me, my family and our church family in your prayers. I tried to keep him here but God loved him best. Details of Andraé’s Celebration Service and Tribute will be forthcoming.”
Andraé’s family requests privacy at this time. All media requests should be directed to Brian Mayes at Nashville Publicity Group, or
615-771-2040. All other requests can be directed to Demetrus Alexander at